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Our Club is based in Fleet Hampshire and its name comes from Fleet Pond which in Anglo Saxon times was known as Fogelmersh or Fugelmere which was the habitat of water fowl and other birds.


Our aim is to promote friendship and wellbeing among members by holding a monthly luncheon meeting and promoting a wide range of social activities.  Membership is open to men over the age of 60, or who have partially or fully retired from  professional or business life and are resident in Fleet or the surrounding district.


We have a good age range and our membership is around 50 with a wide variety of business and professional experience within the group.  Our meetings are held on the second Monday of the month from 12:30 for 1pm at the Lismoyne Hotel in Church Road, Fleet.  Our social events, with partners, are an integral part of our club and  include skittles, pétanque, theatre visits as well as interesting trips and walks. Please browse the website sections to see.  


The annual subscription is £25 and members pay £27 for each lunch they attend.

Twice a year - May and December - we invite members' wives or partners to join us for lunch.


This website is intended to


  • introduce the club to potential members

  • provide a list of upcoming monthly meetings and events

  • provide a record of some of the recent activities

  • present other information which may benefit the membership


If you have any comments or suggestions, or you wish to enquire about membership, then send an email to our Secretary.

Fugelmere Probus Club of Fleet. 


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Last edited  12th February 2025

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